Muller Yogurt and the GoVoxBox review

I’m still not up to talking about my medical stuff… so I’m going to continue enjoying my #GOVOXBOX from #Influenster! To get my #MullerQuaker badge. So, I have a bunch of things I get to answer so I might get the excitement of ANOTHER voxbox…or coupons… or free stuff! It makes me so happy and so excited. 

Oh, before I forget… I have to do the usual disclaimer. I got the coupon for the #MullerQuaker yogurt for free, complements of Influenster for testing and review purposes


I use to hate yogurt, I use to hate anything that had that texture to it… it just grosses me out. I hated the texture until I met GREEK YOGURT. Now it’s something I don’t just eat, I enjoy! it’s really funny to me how my opinion changed. I really like it for a snack either after I get out of work in the morning, or in the afternoon before I go to bed (3rd shift problems, you know). I always feel like I’m hungry but never want to eat something heavy when I know I’m just going to fall asleep anyway! So, this makes the perfect thing for me. I like putting some fresh berries and my homemade granola on top too. I like the crunch the granola adds… and I just love fresh berries. 

It asked me for a tip, I’m not so sure I have any tips other than not to be scared to branch out… if I let myself be too …um… held by by thinking that I don’t like yogurt I never would have tried this for the first time and never would have known that I liked it! 

The GoVoxBox

I’m a member of influenster and it’s really cool, because I get to try products for free and review them … and then get more free products.  It’s pretty cool, it can be a lot of work for me to remember to keep up with it… but I like it a lot. I’ve been a member since 2012, but this is the first year Ive ever gotten boxes. I cant even believe I’ve gotten 2 this year. So, this is my 2nd one… and it’s the #GoVoxBox… and one of the bonus tasks is to write a blog post about what I got and stuff. Usually this is all about my TS and other issues like that… but today… it’sall about the stuff I got as presents in my box! Woohoo!!So, here are the contents of my box, one thing at a time … with the good, the bad, the allergic… and the other!

Playtex Sport Fresh Balance: Well, I got a box of Tampons in here, they’re the sport ones … and I’ve never used one of them before (wow, I just admitted this in public that I don’t use them!) . So… I either have to suck it up and actually TRY one of those scary looking things, or… donate them… or give them to one of my friends or sisters. I can’t decide yet… The possibilities…

Vitamin Shoppe Next Step Fit N Full Protein Shake: I’ve not tried this yet… I looked at it and I was kinda leery… I’m going to see if Davis is going to try it since he’s doing the slimfast thing… this might be a better choice. I cant taste the chocolate flavor because of allergies, and there’s another one Im not sure of yet either. We’ll see, one of us will get it

Blue Diamond Blueberry Flavored Almonds: omg. I love them. I already got the first extra badge that goes with this so Im thrilled… they’re so good and I like blueberry, but I think I’ll like the raspberry too! I was glad to have them. I love any kind of nut that’s made in a peanut free facility!

Profoot Triad Orthodic AND Profoot Pedi Rock: I put the insoles in my sneakers already and they feel so good. Well, they didn’t feel good at first because I’ve never had 3/4 length insoles before, so it was weird… but I have a lot of room in my toes in my shoes. I need to try the soft rock thing on my heels when I finally get a girly day to myself! They really are good insoles, but I need to get another glue dot for the bottom because I feel like they’re moving.

Aqua Spa Body Creme: I am so beyond touched by the kindness of the people at AquaSpa. When I got the box I posted the picture on Instagram and they replied to me hoping that I would enjoy it … and I told them that because the product has aloe in it I can’t use it, but I’m going to happily give it to someone I know to try it. They immediately offered to replace the product for me and send me something else I can try that I’m not allergic too, because they felt bad! I was so touched! I’ve not had that happen before with anything! Usually with my allergies I’m totally shit out of luck, but these people (especially Kristi) were kind enough to accommodate me with something new!! and they sent me the salt soak AND the bath oil!!!! I can’t even believe the kindness, and coupons. I am so touched! I don’t always take a bath, I prefer to shower… but tonight I know exactly what I’m going to do now!!! I cant wait to try it!!! I am so beyond touched!! I have so many thank you notes to mail out! 

1 Voucher for a FREE Muller Yogurt Product: I love this yogurt! I went out right away to get it. So good. I got the black and red raspberry mixy one 😀


I’ve come to realize I have a lot of things working against me.. I went to school for religion and not something more useful … I’ve spent my whole working life in food, or food stores, or bakeries… and I’m disabled.

I really hate having to think about this. My mom encouraged me to call up this job placement place… the woman even told me that it would be very risky because of my experience levels … and my work history. I guess it’s time I start looking back into the grocery stores and into those bakeries again…She said that everyone who has experience over me will get first picks because they have worked in that area before. Everyone is looking for jobs, there are not enough out there. I should be happy to have what I do. Not everyone is that lucky.

I just feel defeated… I feel like I’ve lost a lot and that the best part of my life was before I had to turn into an adult…like the best of my life happened before I ever had a chance to get it started. Now I’m stuck… with broken parts, a damaged brain… and just this deep, penetrating sadness that all I am is a gigantic ball of failure hoping for something good to come my way. I wanted to accomplish something, I wanted to not go to work and come home dirty every day, I wanted to wear clean clothes, nice shoes… maybe even makeup…

I hate it … but I need to deal with it … I just need to be thankful for the job I have and try to keep it … and just do what I can do…but I’m sad…


I’m tired of being sick, I’m tired of being broken … I’m tired… just so tired and so sad…