This is the story about how I almost died…

I wanted to edit one of those pictures of Flinn Rider from Tangled and put it here with my face on it … but then I decided that would take too much time. and, since I’m behind on my Daily’s as it is… I wanted to type this before I run out of time, energy, or ambition. We have stuff we want to do today … oh, and after working 72 hours last week and not having a day off in 15 days I kinda feel like I’ve FINALLY recovered enough to let my lovely readers know whats been going on.


I also thought I’d be doing this post on my Tablet… but I changed my mind too, the thing is great to play on and do other little things but sometimes I just need to sit here infront of the fire and listen to the fish water tank so I can get my thoughts out … and not wake Bunny up.


So… I have no problem talking about almost all of my issues on here… I think that’s part of why all you people read this thing, oh wait… it is! Anyway… sorry.. too much medication the past 5 days has made me a bit trippy I think.


I have an allergy… a severe allergy… a whole bloody flipping list of them…and many of them are incredibly severe. Some of them have the potential to kill me, and I just had another run in with them.


I love where I work… I love building 5, I love Thing 1 & Thing 4 …. and my coworkers are pretty flipping awesome. But, they knew they hired someone who’s disabled… and they have my EMIR, and the paperwork from OVR… and everything else to tell them that I have some pretty unique and special needs they have to accommodate. For the most part, they’re awesome with it. I can have my episodes without any issue (yeah, because they’re enough of an issue within themselves) … they let me take my breaks… come in early to get my stuff done … stay late to get it done … the daily overtime is pretty awesome … and for the most part I even love the residents on my floor. They’re sweethearts (mostly). The chaplain is amazing… we’re going to get me into CPE as soon as I’m stable….


…but they got these gloves in… AloeGuard… and the first day I saw them and started to feel sick I explained to my bosses what happened… they said it was an accidental shipment. they would be gone soon. That was over a month ago … On Tuesday I went into full anaphylatic shock. They had to take me away in an ambulance to get loaded up on steroids… 2 epipens later I’m ok… but they didn’t allow me to work the next day because i’m in serious danger of the Biphasic reaction. I really shouldn’t have been in the rest of the week either but I cant do that. It’s too dangerious for me to go in, but I cant miss work either because of my 90 days and the attendance policy… so I went in.

But things have been hyper scary for me since then … my allergies have been off the chart to EVERYTHING… and thats normal for reactions too … i just cant even believe  thats this happened to me twice in a year…Davis came immedately to sit with me at the hospital too. I love this man.


ugh… I want to say more… but todays been such a good day with us going to kindlemart and just … having a good day… and with the lights even with my tics being disgusting and having to use my cane… today was a good day. Tomorrow is my DBS consult. THEN you’ll get another real update from me… and maybe even spellcheck